Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy Poems

birch trees creak
shed door blows open
temple dog jumps

robes whip n'fly
rain blast batters
bare monk head

white pines
grip deep n'sway
more roar than whisper

Friday, October 19, 2012

a Monk's Morning Music


seeking that song
the one that compels

that song
prompts, no demands
you turn it up


tonsured monk head
bald n'bobbing
to big bass beats


even amidst
the stoplight stares
the tired monk sings

Bruce Fish: Hero

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Frost Warning

radio warning
killing frost they say
predawn creeping cold

the tired monk hears and heeds
covers his pumpkins
digs out his wool work socks
chooses the biggest mug
brimming coffee warmth

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

monk's work

temple dog shivers
her sacred forest duty...done
she waits
wonders at the tired monk's delay

he's thinking on monk's work
daily duties:
unbreaking hearts
turning songs to prayers